With websites like eBay and Etsy dominating the web as places to sell vintage and used clothing items, it’s a little difficult to find some diversity. Well, we’ve discovered a new digital consignment shop, Threadflip, and we’re really excited about it!
The San-Francisco based company launched just last month and is breaking through the market by offering a more personalized platform. Threadflip allows its users to buy and sell secondhand clothing but is able to stand apart from its competitors through its unique services. The company provides end-to-end shipping meaning the sellers never have to make a trip to the post office. But the coolest service feature they have is the White Glove Service, where sellers barely have to lift a finger. All they have to do is send their item to the company and the photographing, listing and shipping is done for them!
Despite the unique selling options, the site itself is set up extremely well. While browsing you’ll find that it feels like you are online shopping on any other website rather than one selling used clothes. Threadflip has also integrated Facebook so users are identified by their profile rather than anonymous user names, which allows the site to be a lot more personal and trustworthy! The featured user section also helps to guide browsers to the pages with some of the most unique and vintage finds. These sellers tend to be fashion bloggers and have an amazing collection of one of a kind pieces.
We’ve browsed the site and trust us there’s plenty of greatfinds, with mix of great vintage pieces and some newer threads, there’s no way you will be disappointed!