We’ve got your daily dose of superheros, beauty gadgets and 3-D printed high heels! Keep reading to find out the latest in fashion & technology today.
Disney creates wearable tech toys
Adults aren’t the only ones getting on the wearable technology bandwagon. Playmation, the groundbreaking system of toys and wearables uses smart technology to inspire kids to run around and use their imaginations, as they become the hero or heroine of stories from across The Walt Disney Company. Check out the trailer blow. [IGN]

Skin care tech
In a society of electric toothbrushes and wearable tech, come high tech skin care devices. With salons offering more tech services (IPL facials, laser hair removals, cellulite reduction), people are beginning to buy their own gadgets to keep their skin on fleek. Check out this slide show of the latest smart skin technology. [Trend Hunter]
3-D printing shoes
Are 3-D printing shoes the next big thing? Maybe not. United Nude an experimental footwear design company tries 5 different shoes to experiment with the idea of 3D printed high heels. Find out if you’ll soon be rocking the latest in 3D shoes! [Wtox]