The other half of the amazing Black Swan film gets her very own cover of W, and she looks absolutely incandescent. The Ukrainian immagrant shares her first experience in meeting another race:
“What was the first thing you remember seeing of America?
A black man. It was at the American embassy [in Moscow], and all I had known were Caucasian people with blond hair, brunette hair, and sometimes red hair. You’re never really taught about anything else. I think I was frightened. And the beautiful thing was, the man spoke Russian. He explained to me that there are people in this world who are of different color. Being seven and a half, I asked him, “Does that mean there are purple people in this world?”
Cute. The actress’s star continues to rise, starting from her early days playing a blind girl on Baywatch, snobby Jackie on That 70′s show, homely Meg from Family Guy to her sinister Black Swan role. We can’t wait to see what she does next!