May is denim month at FASHIONOTES! And to kick things off we thought a cool DIY project for some awesome ombre dip dyed denim shorts was in order.
Inspired by summer and the awesome job Yume from Ninja Sovereign did on her ombre denim shorts, heres the how to so you to can make your own dip dyed denim shorts! First, grab a pair of denim shorts from your closet or thrift a pair that could use some sprucing up.
Next, get some fabric dyes in the colors of your choice. You can dye the shorts all one color or, like this tutorial shows, pick three colors for an ombre effect. Along with the dyes, you’ll also need a deep plastic bucket, plastic gloves to protect your hands and clothes pins. To get things started, fill the bucket with enough boiling water to cover the shorts.
Now you’ll need to put on those gloves as this could get messy! Add the dye of the first color you want on the shorts and then submerge the shorts about halfway into the dye. Yume started with yellow and submerged the shorts in the dye upside down so that the yellow would be at the top of the shorts. Use the clips to secure the shorts to the bucket. Completely submerge this section for about 10 minutes and then slowly lift the shorts up an inch or two (depending on how much of a gradient you want) every 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat until the shorts have been covered about halfway.
After thats dried, boil some new water and add the middle color to the bucket. Submerge the shorts in the new dye. You’ll want to submerge the shorts a bit past the bottom line of the portion you already dyed to blend the colors. Yume choose to dye the middle part of the shorts pink. It’s a good idea to use a lighter color for the middle and the darkest color for the bottom of the shorts. The darker color will cover the lighter middle color better so you’ll get more of an ombre look. To achieve a cool gradient effect with the dye, slowly lift and clip the shorts an inch or two every 15 to 20 minutes.
Again, boil some new water and add the last and darkest color. Remember to dip the shorts a touch past the middle section to blend the colors a little. Again, let the shorts sit for about 15 to 20 minutes and lift them up and clip them at an inch or two each time.
And there you have it! With a little spare time and some effort you can great your own pair of ombre dip dyed denim shorts!
Remember to follow the washing and care instructions for the dye you use before you wear the shorts. Also, if you’re really feeling inspired, you can use this same method to dip dye just about anything! If you’ve got any ideas don’t forget to share them in the comments below. And keeping checking back for more DIY projects and style tips!