This San Francisco-based fashion website has brought in some big changes in order to make their relaunch a smash success. Through hundreds of hours of interviews with shoppers, bloggers and stylists, they’re finally ready to put it all together and show the world their new online community.
In an interview with SF Fashion+Tech, they described their website as a place where “stylists from around the world import fashion images, called Styles, then tag related items to make the outfit easily accessible to other members. Members follow their favorite stylists, bloggers, stores and celebrities to stay up on hot new looks ranging from office chic to beach wear to red carpet and much more.”
Whether it’s personal photos or celebrity shots, each user is able to create a portfolio of styles that others can review and use as inspiration!
One of the largest investments that went into the months before the launch was finding good partnerships. Partnerships on a website like StyleSays are what makes people keep coming back, and especially if those key alliances include fashion bloggers and celebrities! Right now StyleSays has confirmed over 2000 fashion bloggers as active members of their site, in addition to a community that’s 30,000 members strong.