With close to 96% of its users consisting of females posting about coveted clothing, it’s no surprise that retailers are garnering the biggest followings on Pinterest. Companies like Nordstrom, Gap and Urban Outfitters near the top of the list of the 250 most followed accounts.
As any Pinterest user would know, the more you put on your account, the more likely you are to have your picture re-pined. For example, Nordstrom has successfully picked up almost 15,000 followers, which has allowed them to reach close to five-times the publicity over the website.
Campalyst, a social media marketing firm, came up with the list of top 250, and it shows that the top fashion retailers control over 40% of all of the followers in that list. That’s a lot of people checking out their pins!
Is your favorite fashion retailer on Pinterest? Send us a shot of your favorite pin @FASHIONOTES.